Monday, December 28, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I am happy today

Through the darkness
I see your light
Time with you is divine
Feel your heart in mine

Our eyes meet
Others disappear
Dance to the music
Only we can hear

There is so much
I want to say to you
Way you make me feel
There is nothing I conceal

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Will you?

In the middle of night
Twinkling at the sky above
Wanting to share my world with you
And be given your love

You are so special to me
You made into something new
Thinking of you, missing you
I want to be with you

I want to be your sun
Will shine when day is done
Not sure If I could someday ask
Will you let me be the one?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Words With You

You are the shining star
Twinkling away so far
Still don’t know why
To see you, I always try

Though far
I am always there with you
Our relation so pure and true

Don’t know how to convey
There’s a lot that I say
But, When you are there
Not a word can I share

Come close to me
Share your thoughts and more
My Dear, I will listen for sure

You are so special
Without you I feel terrible
Why? You might never know
And, I might never show

I know what I mean to you
I promise to be together
In every storm and every weather

This moment this time
Might never come again
Still want to stop you
Even though in vain

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Smile in my life
Trust called friend
Dream in my eyes
Comfort in my arms

Holds us together
Makes life better
You being my friend
Celebration never end

Life goes on, so will you
Friendship stays, strong and true
Always be my friend to me
That’s the way I want it to be

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I know It

I don’t know what's right
I don’t understand people
I don’t know how to say it
I believe myself, my honesty
That my dear is the key

I know my desires, my dreams
I know what I deserve
I know I will have it
I know how to smile
For me that’s worthwhile

Monday, September 14, 2009

With You

As the wind breezes past
That’s the feeling I don’t want to last
Looking at you, holding your hand
That’s the life I want to spend

Your smile every morning
Makes my day bright like sunshine
Together – word that makes me smile
Takes me up that extra mile

Fragrance as you pass by
Fill those colors in the sky
Though, I might never say
For you I would forever stay

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Thoughts

My thoughts Random and Aloof
Add life to meaningless words
Honest feelings in my heart
To fly like birds

What I tell myself
My desires about you my dear
My loneliness those weak moments
What is it that I fear?

How I see my love for you
My dreams – what’s in there?
What does silence mean
When do I shed that tear?

My Thoughts My Strength
To make it through
They say never die
Need I ask why

Thursday, August 20, 2009


What is missing in me?
There is no one from whom I need space
There is no one who provides solace
Why don’t I deserve anybody?

Never thought life can be this
The song without magic
The love without a kiss
Care is what I really miss

Alone on the road
There’s lot more that I deserve
At the end.. it’s just the curve
Be it this or that mode

Friday, August 14, 2009


Silence is the desert with miles of sand
Silence is a ship sailing in quiet sea
Silence is the indication of a storm
You never know where this is coming from.

Silence is when I am hiding it
Though silence might say it all
Silence can be unreasonable
It can have many reasons.

Silence is as beautiful as a kiss
Silence is as scary as a dark empty road
Silence will be there when I leave
You might take a while to believe.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Words to Myself

You are not the end of the road,
But all ways lead to you

I will be fine if you are not there
You are the one who brightens my day

I can always go ahead without you
You are my inspiration and smile

I don’t need anyone I can be with me
I talk to you all the time

Today when you want to go, I don’t care
My eyes search for you everywhere

You might think this is not true
Somewhere, something will bring me back to you.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

My love

My love for you is like an ocean
The more you move into it
The deeper it gets

My love for you is like lyrics of a song
Even if the music is away
Magic of words still remain

My love is like the shelter
No matter what the storm of time
Always provides comfort and solace

My love for you is the silence
Though quiet but my eyes say it
My love for you is just the care
You might move ahead in life
But I will always be there

Friday, July 31, 2009


When you look at me with your amazing smile
I can see the shine of your face on mine
When you hold my hand with yours
I can feel your softness touching my heart
When you take me into your arms
I realize that it’s the best place to be

With you along life is full of life
I wish to put all in words that I intend
Those words which are the beginning
Which I know have no end

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Find youself in me

Find yourself in the twinkle of my eye
Find yourself in my glittering smile
You are there with me all the while
You are there everywhere in my world my sky

Find yourself in the colors I paint
Find yourself in the words I write
You are a dream shining bright
Just cant move you from my sight

You might be away from me
Find yourself in every inch of me
My eyes always say I care
You know I will always be there

Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Dear

You are the boon in my life
Who can always make me smile
Knowing that you are there
Makes my life worthwhile

You are everything I want
You are adorable and true
I love you with everything I have
I love everything you do

Thinking of you makes my heart ache
I wish I had your love, one that will never break

Friday, July 10, 2009

Thinking of you

As I sit awake in the middle of the night
Deciding what’s not right
Thinking of you, missing you
Your going away makes me feel blue

No matter what you say
No matter what you do
Someone special in my life
Will always be you

What you mean to me
You might never know
I miss you more than
I will ever show

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Budget 2009-10 : Good content, Lousy Packaging

As the Finance Minister presented the Budget for the fiscal year 2009-10, I went through on the CNBC’s website in the office and was kind of hoping for some big ticket announcements like increase in FDI in Insurance sector, APAs in the field of Transfer Pricing etc. Nothing of that sort turned up and I was kind of disappointed. Considering the fact that a Stable government has come to power and it shall not have to bow down to the demands of the left front and other coalition partners, this government should have made bold measures. I thought that this was going to be the government with a strong spine but I was wrong.

After attending the Budget discussion organized by KPMG and listening to Mr Swaminathan Iyer - leading economists and consulting editor of the TOI and ET Now, I realized why would this government even care for such measures. It already has the winning formula which are funds for National Rural Employment Guarantee Program and Loan waiver. This seems more like an election year Budget. Hence as Mr. Swami puts it “This Budget as they have termed is the Aam Aadmi budget is more out of compulsion than out of conviction”

How will the government fund the gap between the revenue and the expenditure? The most common answer is borrowing. There is one common pool from which both the government and the others borrow. If the government borrows the entire 400,000 crores from this pool then there is hardly anything left for the others. This understanding led the markets to react negatively. However, later this was clarified that government would borrow an amount close to 200,000 crores from this common pool and the rest shall be “monetized” i.e printing of more currency notes which in long term leads to inflation and hike in interest rates. I am not sure what is the way out here!!!

For the silence with regard to disinvestment, FDI…Mr. Swami mentioned, “one should not err on the side of Modesty”. He mentioned, “This is a delicious period – anything that government gives away can be justified on the economic grounds”

Overall as Mr. Swami puts it, this budget has a good content, lousy packaging and bad presentation. The content is good as it seems to be a decent effort made by the Finance minister to make India move ahead in difficult times but when it comes to presentation its was poor. The budget contained that the fiscal deficit shall be reduced to 5.5 percent next year but it for some reason was not a part of Fin Min’s speech. The government's plan with regard to borrowing was not not made clear in the Fin Min speech. Hence the Budget was silent and spoke loudly about wrong things.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Missing you

Your voice is always there in my ears
You are the waves in my heart’s ocean
I blossom at the sight of your smile
I can’t stop thinking of you, even for a while

My eyes search for you everywhere
I can never forget your touch
Without you I feel lost and blue
Just can’t stop missing you

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Special Gift

"You have dream…… Protect it only for one person.. that’s You!"

A friend of mine who is very special got a wonderful small BMW model for me and the abovementioned quote is what my friend wants me to always remember. I was so over whelmed by the fact that my friend actually thought about it and took the effort for looking for the BMW Lifestyle and buying this gift for me.

For me, its a dream to some day be able to earn enough to buy a BMW. I will buy the same only from what I have earned. That I believe would be a gift that I will give to myself.

Please don’t get this opinion that since I am going to buy a BMW, I know everything about it. Well, all I know is that I will buy it some day. But now I see a BMW everyday in my bedroom, I thought it would be a good idea to actually learn some facts about the BMW 5 series that I want to buy, which are…..

BMW – 5 series – Move with Utmost elegance
Top speed – 242 Km/hr;
Tank Capacity – 70 ml;
6 cylinder Engine delivers excellent fuel efficiency;
Mirror Glass is Blue tainted.

After the above technical data, I have a couple of line dedicated to this special friend:

Relation that we share
There is nothing to which I can compare
I want to whisper in your ear
You will always be special my dear.

Thanks so much!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Still I Will

You may not want to listen
Still I will talk to you

You may not look at me
Still my eyes will search for you

You may not want to meet me
Still I will come to see you

You may want to cry alone
Still I will be there for you

You may not see my heart’s core
Still I will care for you

I know you will never come
Still I will always wait for you

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You and Me

Looking at each other
Words never comes to an end
I fill the space between your fingers
We hold on together and never pretend

I listen to your silence
I smile at your smile
I adore you cause you are so true
I keep falling in love with you

Within my heart a special place for you is there
You are the one for whom I will always care.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Dear Friend

Listens when no one else does
Understands when nobody does
Accepts me with all flaws
Does not try to change me at all

To whom I just say my heart out
Cares for me and trusts me
Stands by me in tough times and
Never leaves me alone

Who encourages me to perform
Who helps me understand the right and wrong
Whose smile makes me forget issues
Friend - I always fear the thought of losing you

People have many
I am lucky to have only you
Our relation as pure as morning dew
I will always treasure you my friend
Hope our relation never comes to an end

Saturday, June 6, 2009

That's Me

I talk to myself since no one’s there
I prefer to keep quiet yet say it (At times)
My heart - still to understand what's in it

I think I look good in Pink
A smile along adds a lot to it
I believe a lot in God and know
That he always there for me.

I am not sophisticated but simple
I don’t throw attitude (at least I believe so)
I talk a lot when I am comfortable
I don’t cry, I believe tears are useless
But still they come….uninvited at times

I can never let relationship break
No matter what it takes?
I love dance and rhythm
Music is my passion
When I work I am selfless
Be it home or office

I hate double standards and lies
Love and friendship is all I want
I am like an open book, nothin hidden
Read it the way you want.

That's me.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lost in You

Thinking of you makes me smile
Missing you makes me miserable

Wherever I go I find you
Be it your name somewhere
Be it your fragrance and
I want to be with you every time, everywhere

You bring ray of sun in stormy days
You add music to life’s silence
You bring out the best in me
You enrich me with you

I feel alone in a crowd
I am so different when you are around
And I want to tell you and yell out aloud
I am lost in you, trapped in your love.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I Smile
As I watch you, talk to me
As I see you smile at me
As we laugh togather
I realise
These are the times that I would cherish later in life.

I Smile
As I talk to myself about you
As I appreciate you in front of others
As I think about you when you are not around
I Question: Why can't we be togather?? but then I realise

You are a dream, a wish that's far from reality....................

And I Smile again.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Irony

Just saw this serial “Balika Vadhu” which is based on the old traditional Marwari family, which has tried to show the traditions that these families in Rajasthan follow like child marriage, Life of widows etc.

A widow is supposed to live a life like she has massacred about 100 children and now is supposed to spend the whole life in a prison repenting for her bad deeds. Well someone has to take the courage to ask what is the blunder that a widow commits. In my opinion its just the fact that she is a widow and her bad luck that her husband and in some cases her to be husband (in case of child marriage) dies!!

She is supposed to stay in a room without any light, devoid of any luxuries, she is going to do every bit of her work herself, she cannot go out of the house, leave alone wearing latest fashion she cannot shop for herself and so on the list is too long. In a nutshell she is supposed to live a life of a prisoner for the only damn reason that she is a widow.

My question is that if a person is forced to live in such an environment, which is devoid of basic space and which does not even fulfill the basic needs then don’t you expect a person to rebel and do what people cannot even think in there wildest dreams.

That’s after all human nature!! You will definitely do what you are told not to do. So if such a female falls in love with a third person then who is to be blamed?? Well definitely not the widow. The society has closed all doors upon her and what else do you expect her to do. But the irony is that even in such a situation the widow is to be blamed.

These practices are still very much in our modern society and in our Metros. I know of families where they have become modern enough to make there daughters study and send them to Co- ed schools but the daughters are given strict instructions you are not supposed to talk to guys. Its like a line which is drawn around them in which they are supposed live. Here though the situation is much better BUT …that’s the big but??? Still there is a significant amount of restriction on the daughters and to repeat my self one definitely ends up doing what he/she is told not to do!

Such families end up having their daughters elope, or they have to bow down to their daughter’s wishes and agree for a love marriage. Again the Irony. Daughters are to be blamed throughout their life…

Can some one explain this to the society its after all the fault of the so called sane traditions which lead to such situations!!

Too much of it ..may be ..but this really troubles me!!!