Saturday, June 6, 2009

That's Me

I talk to myself since no one’s there
I prefer to keep quiet yet say it (At times)
My heart - still to understand what's in it

I think I look good in Pink
A smile along adds a lot to it
I believe a lot in God and know
That he always there for me.

I am not sophisticated but simple
I don’t throw attitude (at least I believe so)
I talk a lot when I am comfortable
I don’t cry, I believe tears are useless
But still they come….uninvited at times

I can never let relationship break
No matter what it takes?
I love dance and rhythm
Music is my passion
When I work I am selfless
Be it home or office

I hate double standards and lies
Love and friendship is all I want
I am like an open book, nothin hidden
Read it the way you want.

That's me.

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